Guido Stampanoni Bassi
In March 2011, Guido Stampanoni Bassi obtained a Degree in Law from the ‘Lumsa’ University of Rome, and in 2013, a law specialization from the ‘La Sapienza’ University of Rome.
He has gained significant experience in crimes against the public administration, crimes against property and persons, medical liability, workplace accidents, liability pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 231/2001, bankruptcy crimes, corporate offences, tax crimes, environmental crimes and extradition.
He is a member of the Milan Criminal Chamber Association and the European Criminal Bar Association (E.C.B.A).
Since 2019 he has been a member of the “Constitutional Court” Observatory established by the Union of Italian Criminal Chambers (U.C.P.I) and since 2023 he has been a member of the “Criminal Justice” Commission of the Milan Bar Association.
He has founded, and currently directs, the legal journal “Giurisprudenza Penale”.
He collaborates with leading law publishers (Wolters Kluwer, Giappichelli, Giuffrè, Pacini, Maggioli) and is the author of many scientific publications.
He is the author or editor of several books, including the Commentary to Legislative Decree 231/2001.
He is a lecturer in Master’s degree programs and regularly speaks – as a speaker – at conferences, seminars and post-graduate courses organized by public and private organizations and universities on topics related to criminal law in economics.
He collaborated with Studio Pulitanò Zanchetti in Milan, until May 2017.
From June 2020, he began to collaborate with Pistochini Avvocati Studio Legale, after having collaborated with Studio Legale Crippa Pistochini since April 2019.
From January 2021 he is Partner of the Law Firm.
He works and handles correspondence in Italian and English.