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Francesca Lazzeri
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Francesca Lazzeri

Francesca Lazzeri graduated in Law at the University of Milan with a score of 110/110, with a dissertation on criminal procedure.

She also successfully completed a Master’s course in Corporate Criminal Law and has been enrolled in the Milan Bar Association since 2006.

From June 2020, he began to collaborate with Pistochini Avvocati Studio Legale, after having collaborated with Studio Legale Crippa Pistochini since 2006.

From January 2021 she is Partner of the Law Firm.

She specialises in the areas of criminal corporate law, occupational health and safety, crimes against the Public Administration and medical malpractice.
She has gained significant experience with regard to the criminal liability of legal persons under Legislative Decree no. 231/2001. She is involved in setting up the Organisational, Management, and Control Models of large enterprises, and represents organisations in criminal proceedings. Moreover, she holds the position of Chairperson and member of the Supervisory Bodies of international companies.
She contributed to the monograph “Responsabilità dell’impresa e potere organizzativo, Diritto e Pratica del Lavoro”, published by IPSOA in its “Diritto e Pratica del Lavoro” series, and has produced numerous publications for the online version of Il Quotidiano Giuridico IPSOA.

She works and handles correspondence in Italian and English.